Concerned Women Asking About Swine Flu Panic
I was just talking to Wendy Wright, the presidentof the conservative group Concerned Womenfor America, about the nomination of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-Kans.) to run the Department of Healthand Human Services. The group opposes the nomination, and Wright is raising some questions about the timing of the swine flu crackdown so close to tomorrow’s cloture vote.
“Some people think that declaring a stateof emergency about the flu was a political thing to push the Sebelius nomination through,” said Wright. She pointed to newsstories that ask whether the slow-walkingof the Sebelius choice will hurt the response to the flu. “If there’s even a hint that [Department of Homeland Security] is manipulating the healthsituation to push a political appointee through, well, it almost defies imagination that they’d be willing to that.”
Wright said that she’d heard the speculation “on talk radio,” and wanted to be skeptical, but “there’s too much of a basis in that argument to easily dismiss it.”